Resthouse Beducation: Your Guide to Sheets

Resthouse Beducation: Your Guide to Sheets. Learn from the sleep experts at Resthouse Sleep Solutions about which bed sheets are best for you to get the best sleep possible.

They say that in this world, nothing is certain except death, taxes, and the fact that higher thread count sheets are superior. After all, more is better, right? Thanks to vigorous marketing tactics, many sleepers are under the impression that high thread count sheets are softer, smoother, and more luxurious, leading to better rest, which justifies the often exorbitant pricing. But is that really the case?

The Resthouse team has always understood that the key to a good night’s sleep is not thread count but breathability. Since hot air rises, and you produce a lot of heat while you sleep, wrapping up in a 700 thread count sheet is just going to bottle in your natural warmth and moisture. So while you may fall asleep right away, waking up throughout the night to adjust your temperature by rearranging your bedding is not going to allow you to wake feeling refreshed. Instead, you’re in for a night of sweaty, twisted sheets, anxiety dreams, and a lot of extra caffeine the next morning.

Breathability is the reason why we curate only 100% natural fibre sheets. The intentionally lower thread count helps regulate your temperature, while natural fibres support moisture diffusion, ensuring you sleep your best without overheating. That said, we also understand that sheets are not a one-size-fits-all proposition. 

Some people are furnaces while others have popsicle toes, some people want to be weighed down while others prefer their covers to be reminiscent of a warm, gentle breeze. Our variety of weaves and weights, each with its own advantages, caters to the most discerning slumberers, but we know that the various terms and descriptions can be a little hard to navigate. That’s why we’ve put together this handy guide to sheets, to give you a window into the attributes of each fabric type we stock and learn what works best for you.

Our Fabrics

 Coyuchi Crinkled Percale

At the lightest, coolest, and most breathable end of the scale is Coyuchi crinkled percale. This 100% organic cotton fabric is perfect for those who want a crisp, snappy sheet that is almost cool to the touch, amazing for people who overheat in an instant. Plus, the crinkled texture allows for excellent air flow and easy care—no ironing required.

Naturesoft Percale

Similar to the crinkled percale but without the rumpled texture, Naturesoft 100% organic cotton percale elicits visions of expertly made beds in five-star hotels. While almost identical in terms of breathability, sheets made from this fabric are a little more formal.

Naturesoft Sateen

For that silky soft, boudoir feeling each time you squeeze between the sheets, Naturesoft sateen is an incredible choice. A little warmer and slightly weightier than the previous fabrics, though still highly breathable, 100% organic cotton sateen feels amazingly smooth, whether you’re wearing pyjamas or nothing at all.

Coyuchi Percale

Like the crinkled percale, this 100% organic cotton fabric offers the same crisp feel and remains cool to the touch, while providing midrange warmth, excellent breathability, and a somewhat more elegant aesthetic.

Coyuchi Sateen

Sleek, polished, and truly luxurious, Coyuchi sateen sheets offer balanced warmth and weight while maintaining the breathability that is essential to a restful sleep. With a subtly lustrous finish, these 100% organic cotton sheets also ensure visual variety for your bedroom.

Coyuchi Linen

Highly regarded for its rustic charm, Coyuchi 100% organic linen is derived from French flax, which produces a heavier, warmer material that softens and improves with use over time. Linen breathes well, looks beautiful, and is perfect for those who need a little extra to keep the shivers away.

Coyuchi Flannel

Our warmest, thickest, softest sheets are made from Coyuchi 100% organic cotton flannel. Though still breathable, these sheets are perfect for people with perpetually cold feet and a hedonistic lust for wrapping up in peak coziness. 

What About Other Materials?

In addition to breathability, aesthetics, and wonderful feel, we love sustainably produced organic cotton and linen because they aren’t treated with chemicals, thus tend to last longer. But we also realize that there are plenty of other fabrics and materials available for bedsheets. Why don’t we stock them?

Some Aren’t Breathable

Materials like polyester, cotton/poly blends, and very high thread count cotton (600+) are not very breathable, meaning you overheat and wake up sweaty. Polyester in particular is water repellant, which means all the moisture from your skin and breath stays under the covers with you—not ideal.

And Some Aren’t Very Ethical

Bamboo-based fabrics tend to come from the developing world; as a result, it can be hard to know if your bamboo sheets were produced by workers who are guaranteed a safe and healthy working environment. Likewise, silk requires the raising and killing of thousands of silkworms, which is certainly a problem for vegans and animal rights activists, and something worth considering for everyone else.

And Most Are Hard on the Environment

Petroleum-based materials such as polyester and poly blends, like anything that uses oil from underground, are carbon intensive, which we know is bad for both the atmosphere, groundwater, and oceans. Silk, bamboo, tencel, and non-organic cotton require a lot of pesticides, chemicals, and water to produce crops and usable fibres. With a growing human population and a biosphere significantly affected by human activity, choosing less wasteful or polluting goods is an important consideration, even when it comes to sheets.

How to Choose

Now that you know the basics of bedsheets and what they offer, how do you choose the fabric that is right for you? First, think about how you sleep now. Do you wake up in a cold sweat with your sheets twisted around your knees and shivering? Might be time to try some linen sheets. Perpetually too hot? Crinkled percale may change your life. Do your 700 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets feel like they’re crushing you at midnight? Sateen may be the answer.

And don’t discount the opportunity to mix and match different fabrics. Some people love the feel of flannel but overheat under a flannel top sheet; go ahead and pair a flannel fitted sheet with a percale top sheet to get the feel and temperature just right for you. When it comes to sheets, there are no rules. Just make sure they breathe.

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